Friday, April 8, 2011

3 epiphanies

urban forest. seen running under I-5 Seattle

I have had three epiphanies recently.


It is much easier to go running without 2 keys in your boob.

I go running occasionally.. exploring the Seattle streets and sights.
I have one key to the front door of my apt. building and one key that opens my door. When I go running I can't rely on my housemate being there to let me in, so I had been putting both keys in my sports bra. Not the greatest. BUT! this week I realized that if I carry just my car key, I can lock the other keys in my car, down the street. What. do. you. know! Awesome.


I want to write a film about a psychiatrist that prescribes movies and music. Music and movies are kind of the only way I got through various times in my life. They help me see I'm not alone. This psychiatrist however will be rouge. He prescribes music to women to get them to come to his undercover rock band shows. Hm. We shall see. That seemed like a awesome idea in the squash, but maybe not so much outside of it.


Ray Bradbury is a god.
I want to make films EXACTLY how he writes novels.
Proved to me this week that I am not intensely crazy for wanting to.
I remember that I was always trying to explain plot ideas to my professors only to totally confuse them. It made me discouraged. Maybe my ideas were total crap. But lo! comes Ray Bradbury to encourage me. His style is so perfect. He tells just enough to give you the story, the tone, the visuals... and then he pulls you here and there, without out any much additional content. He makes you feel the world, but not totally understand it. For me, I connect with it even deeper because of it. I can make films like this!! Just have to, like a broken record, WORK ON CLARITY. His writing is so direct. No fuzzy business.. and THAT is why it works.


Stephan Castro Leavens said...
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Stephan Castro Leavens said...

Yes, but you're screwed if your car get's stolen.

um... new looks <O> <O>