Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Its interesting. I have been feeling so disconnected with my new neighborhood for two reasons.

One, it has been raining here all the time non-stop.
When you can't take a walk and enjoy the block.. you don't really get a scope of it.. you don't really fully put together that it is there. Its just a place like Hong Kong. You know its there but its not tangible. It kind of fantastical. You build it up in your mind as something its not.

Two, I live three stories up.. so the building's look over the area makes it feel small and distant. You see people go by, in their little lives.. in their little cars that look so distant from above.

All this makes it seems so intimidating.

I need to go and get out into it. So that I know it for what it is... then I think I will discover something awesome...

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um... new looks <O> <O>