Sunday, June 20, 2010


today I saved a turtle who was stranded in the middle of the road.
such a simple little thing to see the turtle clamber up on the other side and into the brush. but it really defined the day.
I was so happy to see that little turtle paddle into the wilderness.
so ends another weekend and on to another week.
I sat on the couch and watched "Invictus".
"Invictus" is about how president Mandela used South Africa's rugby team to unite the country post-apartheid.
I loved it. It reminded me a lot of "Facing the Giants". ((I laugh to myself.))
although a lot of people could call "Facing the Giants" christian tripe, the ideas in "Invictus" are uncannily similar.

In "Facing the Giants", we see a football team constantly at the mercy of every other school they face. Losing game after game. The coach really tests God and follows His plan to see where it leads. He then motivates his team to fight and win because they are playing for something bigger. He suggests that they are playing to represent God. With this new focus in place the team starts winning game after game and rally to get into the division championships.

"Invictus" is about a rugby team, South Africa's to be exact. Another team that cannot win to save its life. As South Africa changes from a Bristish based political government to a African lead government, however, Nelson Mandella, the recently and controversially elected president, sees the national rugby team as a chance to rally and unite the country.. black and white. He instills this philosophy in the team's members and shows them how they are part of something bigger and a reflection of the new unity of the country. Suddenly, with this new and bigger perspective the formerly loser team starts winning and winning until it is in the World Cup finals.

In both of these teams, the only difference is the bigger purpose that they are given. A bigger reason to win, a deeper and more fulfilling purpose than just sport or big salaries. People that think that "Facing the Giants" turn around is silly would have to use the same logic in the true story of "Invictus". I'm not saying a prayer and a silly Jesus bumper sticker changed anyone's life, but the power of belief is something that can be and has been transformative.

I don't know where that puts me. ha. this might sound kinda silly, but as I ponder little moments, like the turtle paddling into the forest, I like to think that I am part of something bigger than myself, and that makes me see life in a different and bigger way. I think belief in its purest form is, in itself, something beautiful.
I think of the devote Hindu in the Ganges or the Muslim kissing the black stone or a Sufi whirling dervish in devotional prayer.
Maybe they are wrong.. maybe they are right, but the belief that brings them there is, in my opinion, admirable
..and that makes it holy.

It makes even saving a silly and suicidal turtle a sacred moment.
It leaves even the quietest and silent-est moment filled with the presence of God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

saving a little turtle is a sacred moment.. kind of like seeing dew drops lighting a little japanese maple beautiful and like you say reminds us of how we are part of a bigger picture...Hey this is your second turtle!!

um... new looks <O> <O>