Monday, November 15, 2010

last night.


{{found on the streets of seattle}}

you can't really get mad at someone for not accepting you if you don't accept yourself..

..:. in fact I believe that most people who accept themselves aren't really paying attention to whether or not other people do too..:.

should be a no brainer. definitely a cliche!
but for the longest time I didn't accept this mantra as true altruism {{with a touch of objectivism.}} or get the cliche on a deeper level at all.

"love your neighbor as YOURSELF."

step 1.
love yourself. {{harder than it looks}}
a. may require counseling
b. may require discipline
c. may require antidepressants haha
d. etc.. etc.. etc..

step 2.
life becomes joyful
a. anxiety free
b. you can see life as an opportunity
c. you stop putting off happiness/having stipulations for happiness because you like where you are at.
((I'll be happy when I get a car.. a girlfriend.. a killer job.. etc.. etc..
d. you stop destructively demoralizing yourself. putting yourself down. limiting yourself.

step 3.
you will be able to love your neighbor.
a. motivated truly and selflessly without need of validation..
b. not as self focused
c. interested in deeper not immediately gratifying things. you'll put mileage in.

step 4.
that love will come back around
a. self explanatory
b. other wise known as karma
c. otherwise know as this ganstas!!

{{ you can sort out the generalizations.}}

Last night I went over to my friend's house to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in preparation for the 7th movie. All of them are avid Harry Potter-ers.. and I have to admit I was a little bit lost, not being that much of a Harry Potter-er myself. But, as my friend and I were talking after the film she gave me a pretty interesting thought to ponder..

As young people we tend to love the idea of possibilities. Life is full of them and, especially at this age, with nothing set in stone we can act on those possibilities quite freely. That is alluring and exciting, but, also, its the time to solidify the constants in life and narrow the possibilities to speak. You might think it is sad that this has to happen. We look at our parents and their narrowed possibilities, the things that tie them down, and think that sucks. However, I'm starting to believe that it is necessary to being a whole person.

If you don't commit yourself to anything you'll end up with nothing. If you don't decide who you are, then you will end up being and standing for nothing.
If you value everything, you will end up valuing nothing.
If everything is sacred, then by definition, nothing is.

For instance, travel. Travel is filled with possibilities. Travel can take you anywhere and you can travel on a whim if you like. But if you are always traveling, then you can never build anything.. you can never invest in anything.

Our joint theory became that, traveling, in all aspects of life, seems so much easier.

Never deciding who you are means that you never have to be rejected.

Being honest about yourself is the hardest thing you can do. Its very vulnerable. You are telling others: this is who I am.. this is what I stand for.. now you can take me or leave me.
If they decide to leave you, especially at your most vulnerable, it can be heartbreaking.

So wandering from different versions of yourself, from person to person, to be accepted by everyone, to please everyone becomes very attractive.

but I think its time not to be fooled anymore..

You may please people, on the surface, but its yourself you have to live with.
Its yourself you need to respect and empower.
Its not about validation through others' acceptance, but finally being able to accept yourself, wholly and completely.
Make yourself the person you wanna be and narrow your faults down to the margin you are comfortable with.. mold yourself into a person that YOU can love and admire..

and then "take" the friends that will respect and care about that version of yourself and even desire to better it, support it... and "leave" all the rest behind. Sometimes its about quality vs. quantity. Sometimes its about getting real about yourself.. not only for yourself but also to be able to be there for others on true and substantive plane.

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um... new looks <O> <O>