Friday, July 10, 2015


I love having people around who act on their feelings and don't overanalyze themselves.

Mostly because I am preeeetttty bad at that.

So it always gives me joy to hear a comment from a genuinely horny guy or a straight up pissed off girl. Its so purest! And it actually makes me happy and relieved in some ways that its so surface and upfront.

They are who they are. They don't a darn crap what you think about it. They will even probably laugh with you about it when you call them on it.

Today I want to be more like that. Instead of looping my thoughts or having to be perfect or even "good", I want to be right up front, straight honest to everyone and anyone.

Looping my thoughts and wondering how I could be better is a one way trap to misery.

You can ALWAYS do better. So I will do better but be okay with where I am now too.

Thoughtfulness is good when embraced in a healthy way. But it also should contain a does of reality and a dose of finally-just-shut-up-brain-and-act-on-it. :)

Don't get stuck in a feedback loop of DOOM!

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um... new looks <O> <O>