Sunday, January 17, 2010

I felt supremely humbled the other day.
I always have felt like a pretty grounded and solid person, but really I fail everyday to see life through compassion and love. Yeah, everyone makes decisions for themselves but everyone's journey is so crazy!! Know what but yourself and those closest to you. No one else can guess what you are motivated from and the where you come from. Also seeing the disasters in the news day it pulled me out of my everyday slump. Be joyful for what you have, share and love others..
I know I am rambling, but the big thought that really struck me is that I have unwittingly probably hurt other people. I want to make that right, but they probably swallowed their hurt and never let me know. It hard not to look through your tinted glasses. You assume everyone sees and is effected by things exactly the same way you are. We are all colored by our life experiences and perceive things differently.. maybe that is why we have to try to see life through something bigger... bigger than our little view point. Maybe that is God for some, or Buddha, or Shiva, or the Great Spirit. thoughts thoughts thoughts 

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um... new looks <O> <O>